
Research/Clinical Trials

Nightingale Research is one of Australia’s largest private cardiovascular clinical trials organisations.

Nightingale research performs phase 2 and phase 3 clinical trials of medications and treatments not yet approved by the TGA or PBS.

Our research Nurses and Nurse Practitioners at Nightingale have a combined experience of over 50 years in clinical trials.

Research nurse Jane Collins, Nightingale Cardiology

Jane Collins

Research nurse Marilyn Dolman, Nightingale Cardiology

Marilyn Dolman

Research nurse Claire Kidd, Nightingale Cardiology

Claire Kidd

Research nurse Tanya Patching, Nightingale Cardiology

Tanya Patching

The clinical trials performed at Nightingale Research enable patients to access early and cutting-edge treatments not yet available to the general population. Patients participating in clinical trials will receive a high level of oversight akin to concierge medicine and through your participation you help to bring new effective therapies to our community.

Our Research team are currently recruiting patients for the following trials:

Latest Research Trial Programs

Weight Related Obstructive Sleep Apnoea

Nightingale Research is calling South Australian volunteers aged 18 and above to participate in a clinical trial aimed at improving weight-related obstructive sleep apnoea and overall health.

This could be your opportunity to be part of a pioneering study that seeks to find effective treatment options.

  • Age Requirement: 18+
  • Locations: Nightingale Cardiology - Adelaide and Goolwa

Interested? For more information, please complete the form below, or contact us by sending an email to

Take the first step towards better sleep and health.

Weight Related Knee Osteoarthritis

We’re seeking volunteers to explore the effectiveness of a new investigational medication aimed at improving symptoms of weight-related knee osteoarthritis.

This is your chance to take an active role in finding a new solution that could benefit many.

  • Age Requirement: 18+
  • Locations: Nightingale Cardiology - Adelaide and Goolwa

Interested? For more information, please complete the form below, or contact us by sending an email to

Help us, help you, take a step forward in managing knee osteoarthritis.

Obesity Related Cardiovascular Disease

Have you had a heart attack or stroke?

Nightingale Research needs your help in a clinical trial that could change the course of treatment for many.

  • Study Focus: Investigational medication effects on obesity-related cardiovascular disease and overall health
  • Age Requirement: 18+
  •  Locations: Nightingale Cardiology - Adelaide and Goolwa

This is your chance to contribute to vital research aiming to improve treatment strategies and outcomes for those affected by cardiovascular conditions linked to obesity.

Interested? For more information, please complete the form below, or contact us by sending an email to

Your involvement could be a significant step forward in the fight against heart disease.

Apply Now